For everyone and anyone who happens to come across this blog, and for the many others idolizing He for the invention of Jeggings...Let's all get on the same page right now, as great and amazing as He, and yes He is the King of Fashion, so therefore all ideas invented under the leadership of He, are technically He's ideas anyway. HE DID NOT INVENT JEGGINGS. HE has only ever had one really awesome ideas as good as good as Jeggings, you can read about it here. Yes He is brilliant and should have thought of inventing Jeggings, but sadly He did not. Not sure why so many people think He actually invented jeggings, but they do. Pretty sure if He had invented jeggings, He would be sitting on a beach right now surrounding by hot girls in jeggings, not blogging every day trying to take over the world. Let's not forget He is a big fan of jeggings.
P.S. Guess a big thank you to everyone who thinks He was clever enough to invent jeggings.
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