Dear He, Ever since you left that simple little comment on my equally simple little blog, I've been just enamored with yours...and while a lot of subject matter you present I have already encountered and indeed embrace (sweatpants Need to be worn with High heels), it's just lovely how you write, and I love the boy-take on everything. Basically girls should wear high, high heels, and hot dresses, shorts, and black tights. Bra's are optional. But I have a question that's been bothering me for a while...How can I wear grunge-y flannels without looking too...grunge? I'm a Minnesotan Girl, and it's Hella cold here...I tend to snitch flannels from my brother and boyfriend, but I have gone out and actually purchased some of my own (and actually gave a couple pilfered shirts back to their rightful owners). Being that the much-below-freezing temps prevents any bare skin from actually showing 70% of the time, I need ideas on how a girl should wear flannel in a sexy, hot way. My style tends to veer more into the grungy, hippie, pirate, with classics and touches of glam (I pretty much created this style naturally...also because I could never go all "Blair Waldorf" all the time and actually Do my hair in the morning. I have me some wild, long, wavy auburn locks.) But I you have any ideas, oh wise He? Yours truly, Elle B.He likes this girls style. Anyone that helps build He's ego, goes right to the front of the line. Here is the deal, He was trying to think where He could get images to help explain the "flannel look" He is going to break down for you, and bam, He thought of
Free People and
RugbyRL, as they are that hippie flannel wearing look that is gonna be perfect for Elle B and winter.
Above are 7 ways to style flannel for winter. Obviously layering in cold weather and winter are important so feel to go wild with your layers. He has said it before accessories can make a simple outfit awesome, buy some necklaces and load up, bangles and bracelets work too. He is a huge fan of thigh high tights and socks, it'll keep you warm, and showing off just a little bit of thigh is sometimes all you need to grab He's attention. Boyfriend flannel with leggings, with or without a big belt, outfit done
(ie Olsen pic).
P.S. Got a question? Need help with an outfit or styling? He-mail for help.
P.P.S. Send in your pictures for the
FashionINTERNATIONAL by He posts. He needs your help!
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