He loves getting He-mails from the ArmHe, big fan, and He replies to every single one. The other day Irada sends He an He-mail saying that she needs to alert fashionistas everywhere because she is scared these One Piece things are going to spread from the UK to the US. He is gonna have to disagree with Irada on these OnePiece things. Hell they even make them for guys! First off, every single picture on this website the girl looks f*cking cute as hell, so why wouldn't He want you in one of these? Next, Get me one. Someone call up One Piece, tell them He just blew up their company to become the next big thing. If you seriously don't think that He would rock the sh*t out of the American Flag Man One Piece, you have another thing coming.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Get He "ONE"Piece of These NOW!

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