Listening to "Keep Breathing" by Ingrid Michaelson gives me are you guys doing? Please share! :)
As I've mentioned earlier, life's been pretty busy and running on a full speed. But I'm happy, and blessed. I just need to pause or slow down a bit to realize that better. Whether my days ended good or badly, I know they all meant something. Eventually we'll know, cuz eventually they'll unfold.
No matter how boring my weekends usually are, I really miss my weekends. They usually revolve around watching movies, late night chats, ice creams & a wee bit of shopping with friends & family. But I enjoy every second of them, as life feels so simple that way. Monotonous, but an enjoyable one.
And I miss you, dear boyfriend. Oh we are the laaaaaamest and most boring couple. All we do is eat and chat and drive and eat. Even more monotonous, but even a more enjoyable one.
And your birthday is coming along! Remember when I surprised you with a candle light dinner in the middle of the bridge? Gosh I miss you...:')
Monday, May 3, 2010
You, Us, Everyone.

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