Chris Noth comes off a little ungrateful for one of his biggest roles, claiming Sex & the City ruined NYC. "What makes me really sick is how New York now looks like a bad imitation of Sex & the City," the Law & Order actor said at the opening of Talk Radio a few weeks ago. "Meatpacking is a good example of just how f**ked up it is. You can't have a city that's interesting where the only people living in it are rich. When I came here as a kid, as a young adult, you could get lost - many different worlds collided. You cannot say that today... As an actor, you can maybe move someone, make them laugh, make them think," Noth went on to say of his role as Mr. Big on the successful series. "As a celebrity, you're nothing but a snapshot for somebody to put above their urinal. It's rude! When people call me 'Mr. Big,' I can't help feeling a kind of contempt."
Monday, March 19, 2007
Don't call him Mr. Big

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