Star Jones Reynolds is finally admitting to having gastric bypass surgery - nearly four years after the fact. In the September issue of Glamour, Jones Reynolds says she chose only to admit she'd undergone a "medical intervention" because, says says, "First, I didn't know if the surgery would work. I had spent my entire adult life telling everyone I was fine with the way I looked. I never thought I'd have to explain it. But the complete truth is, I was scared of what people might think of me." In a first-person essay begun on August 19, 2003, Jones Reynolds writes, "I was so angry. How had I allowed myself to get to 307 pounds? Whenever I felt lonely, a Double Whopper with cheese became my friend. If I felt sad, six strips of bacon made me feel better... Even though I claimed to be just fine with my weight, I saw how other women [colleagues] were treated like the girlfriend, while I was treated like the good friend. To compensate for my insecurities, I spoke louder and ate more." Since the surgery, Jones Reynolds says she is working on having a positive self-image. "Every day I am learning to let go of my insecurities and acknowledge that I don't have all the answers, which is okay."
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Star finally admits to gastric bypass

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