Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony are considering a joint tour, hot on the heels of their album and film collaborations. "Jennifer has never toured," Anthony recently told Billboard mag. "I've toured all my life. This is where I can step in and say, 'Oh, my God, this could be fun' and introduce her to that world. It is something she's always wanted to do, but she's never had the time. And I was offered many more films I never took advantage of because I was always on tour. So yes, we're seriously talking about going out this year [and] putting together an amazing show with just her and myself." When asked about how he and Lopez collaborate, Anthony said, "A big part of mine and Jennifer's connection is the understanding that we have a passion for what we do. So, it's just a natural progression to be involved. Me, I cannot sit down and have a conversation about image. That's her strong suit. She picks me up where I'm weak and I elevate her where she's weak. That's where the true partnership comes in." In another interview with Latina magazine, Anthony discussed the "highly charged scenes" he and Lopez shot for their movie El Cantante. "All my actor friends warned us, saying, 'Those abusive husband-and-wife scenes are gonna be difficult.' It almost scared me into quitting," he says. "With those scenes, we'd end up exhausted. But driving home, we'd just look at each other and say, 'We are so normal.'"
Monday, July 23, 2007
"Normal" couple JLo and Marc considering joint tour

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