
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Jake tops gay poll

Jake Gyllenhaal has been honored with the title of "male celebrity we most wish were gay" in a poll on, winning a whopping 45% of half a million votes. "We blame Ang Lee - if the Brokeback Mountain director hadn't cast the lean, dreamily dark-eyed Jake as hopeless romantic Jack Twist, and then put him in that sexy shearling coat, and then made him say the line, 'We could have had a good life' with such heartbreaking sincerity, we might not have fallen in love with him. Now, it's too late," claims the site. Gyllenhaal was followed by Ryan Phillippe and Wentworth Miller. Other winners in the poll were The Devil Wears Prada for favorite film, JT's SexyBack as best song, The Colbert Report for fav TV show, and Stephen Colbert himself was voted person of the year. "...Stephen Colbert is one of those people who's making jokes about gay people in a non-homophobic way," said a rep from PlanetOut. Quote of the year was Brad Pitt's statement about the possibility of a wedding between he and Angelina Jolie - "Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able."


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