A rep for Britney Spears is denying reports that the star collapsed during New Year's Eve celebrations at Pure nightclub in Vegas. Spears was alleged to have fainted to the floor at about 12:50 a.m., and had to be carried from the club by two of her dancers. The star's manager, Larry Rudolph, told the press today that his client was simply exhausted, saying, "By about one o'clock, she was just done, so we took her out. She was not drunk. She was just tired and falling asleep." Rudolph also insisted that Spears walked out of the club under her own steam and did not seek medical attention. "There is nothing out of the ordinary here," he said. A source inside the nightclub told the same story, saying, "She was absolutely not carried out of the club. Her security and Pure's security walked her out... She didn't pass out or faint or any of that."
Monday, January 1, 2007
Britney just tired, not drunk, says rep

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