Kevin Federline left a crass message on the shower door of his dressing room at the House of Blues in Chicago on November 8 - check it out. PageSix reveals the source of some of Federline's bitterness by reporting today that even before she announced the split, Britney Spears told KFed to pay his own way to New York and get his own hotel room, and then ordered his phone to be cut off and his credit cards shut down. "Not even his mother could get ahold of him," a source says. Federline is has reportedly cut back on his spending, and is said to have shown up at a burlesque bar with eight friends and comped $1200 worth of food, which he then packed up to take with him. "He just kept ordering more and more food and then asked for it to be put in containers so he could take the food out to the clubs with him," said the source. "Then he started putting napkins in the tops of the tequila and vodka bottles and stuck them under his coat trying to sneak the liquor out with him. It was really unbelievable to watch. The guy obviously has enough money to buy a bottle of liquor on his own without trying to sneak it under his coat."
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Fed-ex stoops to new lows

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