The Gears of War 3 beta testing phase launched with VIP access yesterday, prior to its public launch next week. Only a limited number of redemption keys were offered to the gaming public, but for those who missed out our friends over at Gaming Blend are offering the chance to win an access code.
The Gears of War 3 beta will allow players to play Team Deathmatch on four new maps: Thrashball, Checkout, Trenches and Old Town. Two further gameplay modes, Capture the Leader and King of the Hill, will be added to the beta over time and a number of special events and playlists will be included as well.
For your chance to win an access code for the Gears of War 3 beta test, all you need do is become a fan of Gaming Blend’s Facebook page and offer a comment discussing your favourite moment from Gears of War or Gears of War 2. For more details you can check out Gaming Blend’s announcement of the competition, and for all the latest details on The Gears of War 3 beta stay right here at Electronic Theatre. (Source)
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