Things I've received but haven't got the chance to wear...
- Pink bow top from Snowbelle Butiq
- Ruffle cardigan from Pinky Couture
- Flower necklace from Allura by Nasya Marissa
- Velvet cape from Velvet
- Pillow cover from Qushi
- Dress from Things We Love
- T-shirt from C.P.E
Anyway, I really think "endurance" and "perseverance" are two qualities that we must own in order to be great. As a new entrepreneur, things are really really tough, so tough that most people would rather quit and go back work for a company and receive a stable income instead. But I wanna be a great entrepreneur, therefore must endure and persevere all this challenge.
*inhale, exhale*
Amin, insya Allah...:)
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