
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Seven & Discounts

Centro department store is one of those very few places that I like to visit when I'm searching for affordable items that don't look cheap...last night I dropped by Centro having no intention to buy any specific item, and walked out carrying a huge shopping bag hehehehe...

Celebrating their 7th anniversary, they're currently offering big discounts! All these items I bought below cost me less than a pair of Zara shoes...seriously.

Atmosphere blazer (30% off), 2 pairs of Chrysalin floral wedges (20% off), GAP khaki shorts for boyfriend (70% off)

Floral wedges? Are you kidding me? I've been wanting something like this for ages!

Atmosphere blazer, Re Shoppe shortened maxi dress, Levi's shirt, mom's belt, unbranded socks, Chrysalin floral wedges



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