Adding a stripe or two of color into your hair has become the newest trend, but many are probably wondering what He thinks about it. Arielle at Something Navy has been sporting some blue hair for a while now and many celebrities are also stepping out with some added color. So the deal is He does actually like the color added in. It is like a hidden tattoo that peeks out just a little to add some intrigue. Gotta be careful, as picking the right color to fit your hair and your look is a big part of whether or not this look works. He did find this company Streekers that is selling a temporary color dye that washes out, so you can try out any of their 8 colors. How many people in the ArmHe have added in a color or would add in a streak of color?
P.S. Got a picture of you with a streak of color in your hair? Send pics to for a follow up post.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Are You Adding Color To Your Hair?

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