A lot of people have been asking me the same questions over and over again, so I might as well do an individual post to clarify things once again.
- I’m Diana, currently 24, and I work as a market researcher and consultant. And no, I don’t wear quirky outfits to work otherwise my clients would run away...;p
- I’m still that Diana, still 24, but I also work as a freelance graphic designer and (recently) as a fashion stylist. I take such jobs only when they are possible to be done after office-hours or on weekends.
- To the extent that I find fashion and art irresistible, I also love ‘marketing’ very much. It’s funny that I am NOT a subscriber of any fashion (and or art-related) magazines. Trust me, I do not own even one copy of Vogue, Teen Vogue, Elle, Nylon and the like (hence my lack of knowledge on designer names or current fashion events :D). I actually am a regular reader of Business Week and Time as I enjoy analyzing current market trends and figuring out how the future of business will be like. The only source I get my fashion knowledge from would probably be, well, your blogs...:)
- Given the above, fashion for me is very much a hobby that I enjoy freely without worrying on having to know the current trend or current ‘it’ designers. I buy and wear anything that I like, and I experiment with my clothes just for the sake of having fun...:)
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