
Sunday, October 5, 2008

You and Me and the Lovely Desserts

Such a pleasant afternoon…spent my time with a wonderful companion and delectable foods…thank you, Ragil…I very much enjoyed our tête-à-tête and (a wee bit of) shopping today…:)

The desserts we had...cupcakes and chocolate souffle...look at how cute those tiny heart-shaped sprinkles are!! How sweeeeeet hhehehhe.....

And this is what I wore today...I had to take off the hairband though cuz it made me woozy after a while...sigh, how can I ever be Blair...

Ragil had her eyes done BEAUTIFULLY with some purple eyeshadows... unfortunately this picture doesn't do justice...hmmmm...

Looking forward to see you again, Ragil!! Love youu.. <3


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