
Monday, June 16, 2008

Define 'Shopping'

From reading my blog, one might think that I’m such a crazy shopaholic. Just to clarify the misconception, I love to shop, but not to the level where I get mad when I don’t. It’s pretty clear that this is how every woman is, well, at least those around me. We just love to shop, just like how men love to play games or get deeply involved in gadgets or automotives. A man’s pleasure in placing a heart- thumping audio system in the back of their car would be as much as me getting a pair of gladiator sandals, only cheaper if you noticed. But this is not what I wanted to discuss about actually. One thing that pretty bugs me, is about the comments I receive regarding me spending too much money on shopping. So let’s get this straight.

1) I’m a working young lady, so how much I spend is pretty much my business since I’m the one making the money after all.
2) I took accounting classes in both my undergrad and postgrad study, so I think I should be knowing how to control my expenses, savings, investments and the like well enough.
3) When we talk about ‘spending too much’, one should understand the concept of expenditure versus income ratio. So when you say ‘too much’ once again, make sure you’ve performed an investigation on how much my monthly paycheck is. If it’s larger than 2:5, then you know where to contact me.
4) It’s true that I more often than not post about my shopping finds and all, but that doesn’t mean those are the only things I think about in this life. I’ve got tons of other issues goin on inside my mind, but I don’t feel the need to write them up in my blog, otherwise I would feel naked in this world not having any privacy.

Well, that’s about it I guess. Hope this sheds light on some of you people out there.

Thank you for reading hehehehhehe…xoxo :)


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