
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How's It Gonna Be

I keep on thinking how's it gonna be when I start working...will it be the job I've always dreamed of? Will the office people like me? How should I dress? Will I be able to impress my boss? What time will I be leaving office? Will I be able to blog again? Argghhh...I know, the more you think of it, the more pressure you I guess I should just let it flow...hmmm....I also feel quite sad cuz my lil' sis will be leaving for Singapore next Wednesday to pursue her (hotel management degree) dreams, which, leaves me like a dead Intan, no boyfriend...:'(

I really like the movie Juno btw (such a different topic hehehhe)....well I don't admire the storyline and the ewwww parts I fast-forwarded...but I salute Ellen Page's natural acting skills...10 thumbs up!! Hehhehe...such a cool kid..

Seeing her on the cover page above immediately reminded me of my stripey sweater I haven't been wearing for such a long time, so I guess it deserves a feature on my blog today hehehe...

(My friend called on my cellphone when I was taking this picture so I had to talk to her through the loudspeaker and pose at the same time hehehe)

ps: I think I'm having a "first-time job" syndrome....:'(


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