Rosario Dawson was looking for a change of scenery and a new home, but couldn't decide between a couple of different cities - so she picked both. "I'm moving to Vegas and London in the next couple of months," the actress and current LA resident said Thursday at the Latino Leaders Network luncheon in Washington, D.C., part of the Hispanic Heritage Awards. Why London? "It's an incredible hub," Dawson explained. "I'm going to be right next to the Paris train. I love it. I'm a big traveler. I can get to Rome in two hours. And Scotland and Ireland." She added, "I feel like it's time to live outside the country." Though not completely outside - Dawson is also drawn to Vegas. "My friend is hooking me up," she said. "My brother said he would live out there if I got an apartment." Politics, rather than the party scene, is what attracts the Grindhouse star to Vegas. The presidential caucus there has been moved up, she points out, and is now slotted between Iowa and New Hampshire, giving it newfound power. "It's an up-and-coming state!" she says.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Rosario says goodbye to LA

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