
Saturday, February 3, 2007

Smokin' makes Ben quit smoking

Ben Affleck credits shooting his latest film with helping him quit smoking. The new dad recently sat down with People mag and answered a few questions:

Are you enjoying awards show season? "The tilt-a-whirl is nice every now and then... But, like anything, you can overdo it."

On his Golden Globe nom: "I was very happy. My wife was up early with our child and [woke me up] to tell me I'd been nominated - and to get me to change the baby."

On playing a chain-smoking bail bondsman in Smokin' Aces: "The whole week that I shot, I smoked, like, five packs a day. By the time the movie was over, I was so sick of smoking, I just didn't want to do it anymore, and I quit. I have this celluloid record of the last time I smoked."

How was directing your brother Casey in Gone, Baby, Gone? "A pleasure. It was like directing anybody else, except I could fantasize that if it came down to it I could throttle him."


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