
Friday, May 30, 2008

May 30th Is Here!

Today is finally the day to "get carried away." I just did and what a ride it was! A very emotional rollercoaster I must say! No spoilers for those out there who haven't seen it yet, but oh so exciting and oh so fabulous! Right now I'm thinking my weekend might include seeing it over and over again. And no, I'm really not kidding!

Photo Credit: Google

- Erin Dustin

August Rush

I have to cancel my plan for June. Arrrrrgggggghhhhh. I can only take leave starting August. Guess I'll just the save the money for now, or perhaps, get myself a pair of Nine West shoes, no? ;p

Quote of The Day

"It does no harm just once in a while to acknowledge that the whole country isn't in flames, that there are people in the country besides politicians, entertainers, and criminals".
- Charles Kuralt -

Answer to Yesterday's Quiz

Congratulations you guessed it right!! Heheheh...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Question of the Day: What Gives You Instant Gratification?

I’ve been challenged to answer this curious question … Here are five fabulous thrills that make me feel gratified and confident. And then I encourage you to comment with your own answers!

1. Snagging an interview. Be it an A-list star or a C-list socialite, grabbing someone on the red carpet or inside an event for a quickie Q&A is always exciting. (Okay, it’s more gratifying when it’s someone you really admire and they give you awesome answers.) Really, it’s such a feeling of accomplishment! See me interview my four favorite gals HERE ... Shameless self promotion.)

2. Dishing the dirt. When you hear a piece of juicy gossip, it’s hard not to share. And I adore when others join the conversation. I love it when I get comments on my blog, emails in my inbox, and fan mail to my address. (Okay, fan mail only comes from my mom … but it’s still much appreciated.)

3. A cuddle with my puppy. I mean talk about instant gratification. I feed her, she thanks me with kisses. I play with her, she rewards me with love-bites. I scold her, and she still nuzzles into my neck. She's just the cutest toy poodle ever. (Her name, by the way, is Reese Witherspoon.)

What gives you instant gratification? Comment!

Quote Of The Day

"As far as people thinking I'm pretty or something, I don't know. It's amazing what a haircut and forgetting to shave will do." - David Cook on his newfound popularity.

- Erin Dustin

Quiz of The Day

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dan And Serena Live On

Although Gossip Girl has sadly ended for the summer, (wiping away tears as I speak) I'm not sure if Blake Lively and Penn Badgley got the memo. Though their characters broke it off in the season finale, the real-life couple seems to still be going strong as they were spotted in NYC's West Village this past week.

- Erin Dustin

Ashlee Simpson No More (And Def. Expecting!)

Due to her recent marriage to rocker Pete Wentz, Ashlee Simpson has made a very traditional change in her life. She is now Ashlee Wentz! Professionally though, she'll go by Ashlee Simpson-Wentz. She says, "I think that that's something that a woman should do when they're marring a man. It's a tradition that I think is a great tradition."

Oh and a little fyi, just a few moments ago, I saw the confirmation that everyone has been waiting for. The Wentzes are preggers!

"While many have speculated this, we wanted to wait until after the first trimester to officially confirm that we are expecting our first child. This is truly the most joyous time in our lives and we are excited to share the happy news and start our family." - Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wentz.

- Erin Dustin

Welcome Home Girls!

Last night's HUGE event brought out NYC's favorite girls to Radio City for the highly-anticipated SATC premiere. Along with some of NYC's own, many a fan and not to mention the rain, Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha returned home to an amazing reception and an outpouring of love.

With a front-row on-the-pink-carpet view, I witnessed everything from the flash that was Ashley Olsen and Jennifer Hudson's short bob (she was even being touched up on the carpet in-between interviews!) to SJP's GORGEOUS dress (she said she thought it looked like the Empire State building, how NYC of you Carrie Bradshaw!) and Patricia Field's radiant hair and personality. Lynn Cohen, who plays Magda, was adorable and even commented on the girl power of our fabulous video slash interview team! Jason Lewis was whisked by as he walked into the venue, but did look back to smile, so don't worry Smith, I forgive you. The Donald stopped for a brief moment as did Cynthia Nixon, Willie Garson, (who just adopted a son, aw!) Donna Karan, Fergie and Idina Menzel. The mob scene that was NYC last night once again showed how excited this city is for their SATC!

After the premiere, we were able to get a sneak preview of the after-party held at the MoMA. With the Swarovski-crystal couch, the trees wrapped in pink lights, bouquets of flowers, the music (deejayed by Samantha Ronson, and no Lindsay was not there), the appetizers and a sample of the "Carried Away" cosmo, the scene was more than glamourous!

More deets to come!

- Erin Dustin

What I Wore to Work Today

I was lazy to dress up in formal clothes again today, so here I am, just sporting my comfy sweater and (yesterday's) jeans hehehe...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fall In Love

What I Wore to Work Today

I'm pretty bored of wearing formal clothes to work, so I decided to wear something different today...denim over denim...something I never do

Monday, May 26, 2008

Drooling Over Chairs

From Le Tramac....:)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bend & Twist & Fold

This flexible metal chain is so versatile!! You can wear it as a necklace, bracelet, headband, and even as belt if you have more than one...for you Indonesians who are interested, you can get this in Metro (Plaza Senayan or Pondok Indah Mall)...:)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Saturday

During the day, I went out for lunch with my parents and did some grocery shopping (this is like something I always do on Saturdays hehehhehe)...

I also bought my favorite black eyeliner from Shu Uemura, which is extremely waterproof and highly recommended!! :D When buying the eyeliner, the lady also offered me a green-colored mascara, which actually looked good on me!! Hehehe....too bad they were out of stock so I had to leave my number for further notice if they have it in stock later...

Then at night I met up with my friends, basically to welcome our dearest friend, Adit, who just got back from traveling around the world (literally!)....I looooooove my friends so much hehehe...thank God I still have them when Sharjeel and my lil' sis aren't around...:)

Happy happy happy...I really had a good day today...:)

PS: Sharjeel calls me a shopaholic, but he himself just bought 4 shirts and a trouser in 1 day!!!

So who's the shopping freak now, dear? :D

Friday, May 23, 2008

(The True) Romance Was (Finally) Born

This collection is actually from 2007, but still inspires me a lot till now.....I just looooooooveeeee it so so much....Romance Was Born....

Lindsay And Samantha

Brangelina isn't the only one making headlines in Cannes. Lindsay Lohan and her BFF, deejay Samantha Ronson shared a kiss on board of Diddy's yacht in the South of France yesterday. Affectionate with each other all night, holding hands and getting cozy, the two still say they are just friends. The best of friends apparently.

- Erin Dustin

Michelle On The Red Carpet

Michelle Williams is stunning as she returns to the public eye! Seen on the red carpet with her usual gracious smile, the actress is in Cannes promoting her two films Wendy and Lisa as well as Synecdoche, New York. This is her her first big appearance since Heath Ledger's death.

- Erin Dustin

Quote of The Day

"The truth is, if you asked me to choose between winning the TdF and cancer, I would choose cancer. Odd as it sounds, I would rather have the title of cancer survivor than winner of the Tour, because of what it has done for me as a human being, a man, a husband, a son and a father".
- Lance Armstrong

When Your Heart is Blue

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